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Translated in Dutch by Joost Abrahams
Proofread by Elise Rijdes van Soest

1.5.1. Aquarium Examples

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Author : David Bogert

Published :

Time To Read :
1 minute
Difficulty : Level 4

Excerpt :

What are some photos of beginner tropical aquariums?

A few options for aquariums include:

Several Types of Aquariums
Several Types of Aquariums
Several Types of Aquariums
Several Types of Aquariums
Several Types of Aquariums
Several Types of Aquariums
Several Types of Aquariums
Several Types of Aquariums

Note if you’re like me you will try each of these types of aquariums over the years you’re in the hobby. Fish keepers seem to like a challenge and then lose interest when they are successful on any given variation.

Probably the most far out aquarium I’ve seen is the following caiman tank with beautiful plants.

Alligator in an Aquarium
Dwarf caiman in an Aquarium

Now I’m just going to post a whole host of random tanks which appear to be just set up and new. Hopefully one can get a sense of what one wants from these:

.Beginner aquarium

Beginner aquarium

Beginner aquarium

Beginner aquarium

Beginner Aquarium

Beginner Aquarium

Beginner Aquarium

Beginner Aquarium

Beginner Aquarium
Beginner Aquarium
Beginner Aquarium

Beginner Aquarium

Beginner Aquarium

Beginner Aquarium

Beginner Aquarium

Beginner Aquarium

ALL of these are perfectly acceptable ways to set up a first aquarium.