KH en indraaien

Carbonate hardness (KH) is important for nitrifying bacteria. For every 10 ppm of ammonia converted to nitrate very roughly 71.4 ppm (71.4 KH or 4 dKH) of carbonate is used up. Each gram of most ammonium salts requires very roughly two grams of sodium carbonate or three grams of sodium bicarbonate. (baking soda) A reference … Lees meer Conditioner testen

A simple test was set up. In order to get better accuracy the level of chlorine (sodium hypochlorite bleach) was taken to four times the “normal” amount in tap water. Chlorine was added to a gallon of distilled water at the level of 4 ppm.  Then the following water conditioners were added to cups of … Lees meer De kosten van conditioners

My recommendation with conditioners is simple: Buy ONLY Conditioners that say “Sodium Thiosulfate” on the Bottle in the Ingredients List. Then use 5X the Recommended Dosage. When I used to have chlorinated water for a 60 gallon tank 50% water change I would first off leave the fish in the aquarium. I would drain 30 … Lees meer Helderheid water test

Biohome, Matrix and ceramic rings did not give clear water while Foam, K1 and pot scrubbers did give crystal clear water in controlled testing. Prime concentratie

Seachem makes two water conditioners, Prime and Safe. They make a series of claims about these two products which are simply snake oil marketing hype. This article examines one of those claims. Safe Kan niet tot Prime worden gemaakt

Seachem makes two water conditioners, Prime and Safe. Seachem also makes a series of marketing claims for these products which are pure hogwash. This article examines one of those claims. . False claim #6, Safe Cannot be Made into Prime. . Since both Safe and Prime are simply sodium dithionite, the idea that Safe cannot … Lees meer Prime, Safe en chloramine

Seachem makes two water conditioners, Safe and Prime. Both these products make a series of claims which are just plain false.  In a letter, the Seachem lawyer made a false claim which this article examines in depth:  False claim #4, Only Prime and Safe Remove Chloramine    In the Seachem lawyer’s letter in article “ … Lees meer Prime and Safe

Prime and Safe ONLY remove chlorine. They do NOT detoxify ANYTHING else, even temporarily. Review van Conditioners

My recommendation with conditioners is simple: Buy ONLY Conditioners that say “Sodium Thiosulfate” on the Bottle in the Ingredients List. Then use 5X the Recommended Dosage. When I used to have chlorinated water for a 60 gallon tank 50% water change I would take the amount of thiosulfate conditioner which would, per the bottle, condition … Lees meer Ammoniak in chloramine

The ammonia released when chloramine treated water is treated with a conditioner is generally pretty harmless in the aquarium.